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ViZionYLD Discusses Media Portrayal of Israel

How do the media portray Israel? On February 7, ViZion YLD, the Young Leadership of the American Zionist Movement, set to find out. At an intimate dinner sponsored by AZM, Aryeh Green, Director of MediaCentral, led a provocative discussion about the challenges the region faces today and what we can to do improve Israel’s image. Green is a frequent speaker on Israel, media issues, human rights in the Middle East and current affairs.

Sometimes, Green said, it’s not about advocacy but simply about honest and accurate reporting. He went on to add that it’s our responsibility to demand honest journalism from our main news sources and that we have the power to influence production. At the Q&A session, attendees explored the most credible news sources, why the media inaccurately reports, and the repercussions of those inaccuracies.

Of course, everyone left wanting more discussion…and more falafel!

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Posted in Next Generation, ViZion, What's New

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