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Purim Connection: Mishloach Manot for Victims of Domestic Violence in Israel

On March 16-17, 2022 (14 Adar 5782) we celebrate Purim. For many years the AZM “Purim Connection” program has helped maintain the bond connecting American Jewry with Israel by sending Mishloach Manot to those most in need living in Eretz Yisrael.

This year we will provide Mishloach Manot packages for women and children living in 15 shelters for victims of domestic violence. Annually, over 200,000 battered women and an estimated 500,000 children experience domestic abuse.  This problem has unfortunately grown during the pandemic when providing a safe home is especially important. Please show these residents we care and provide some light during their darkest moments. 

Our partner in Israel for this project is The Shelter’s Forum is a volunteer coalition of shelter-operators in Israel and represents all the domestic violence shelters operating in Israel and serving all segments of Israeli society, providing a safe-haven for women and children, victims of domestic violence. 

Your personal message and contribution will help victims of domestic violence (women and children) in shelters feel supported by the Diaspora.

The packages will be distributed by The Shelter’s Forum, a network of 15 for shelters in Israel. 

A single Purim basket costs approximately $18. We hope you will consider a gift of at least $180, so we can provide as many as possible. Every contribution will help victims of domestic violence.

To donate, please fill out the form below. You can include a personal message that will be delivered with the basket.

If you prefer to mail a check: 

American Zionist Movement
Attn: Purim Connection

40 Wall Street, Suite 706
New York, NY 10005

The American Zionist Movement is a charitable tax-exempt organization (EIN: 13-2679404) pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Click here to see the AZM tax exemption letter from the IRS.

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Posted in Purim, What's New

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