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Yom Hazikaron – Israel’s Memorial Day – 2024/5784

Yom Hazikaron – Israel’s Memorial Day – May 12-13, 2024

Yom HaZikaron is the day of national remembrance in Israel to commemorate all the soldiers who lost their lives defending the State of Israel, as well victims of terror in Israel and around the world. This Memorial Day is held immediately preceding Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. Tragically this year we will all remember the civilian and IDF victims of the October 7th attack, as well as those who have been killed in the ensuing war. The American Zionist Movement presents several resources and guides that can help communities, organizations, synagogues and schools to mark this solemn and important day.

Posted in Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Holocaust Denial, Yom Hazikaron

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