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Watch Video Presentations on the Delegitimization of Israel

Hard Realities:
Addressing the Delegitimization of Israel and Anti-Semitism

Sunday, September 25, 2011 — New York, NY

Opening Plenary: An Overview of Delegitimization and Anti-Semitism

Welcome and Introductions:

William D. Hess and Yaakov HaGoel

William D. Hess
Yaakov HaGoel

Jan Schechter, Chair
Dan Mariaschin, Executive Vice President, B’nai B’rith International
Professor Ken Stein,Emory University and the Center for Israel Education
Brooke Goldstein, Director, The Lawfare Project

Keynote Address: The Delegitimization of Israel and Anti-Semitism
The Honorable Yuli Edelstein, Minister for Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs


Delegitimization: The Zionist Response
Morton Klein, President, The Zionist Organization of America
Marcie Natan, President, Hadassah; Member, WZO Executive
Kenneth Bob, President, Ameinu; Member, WZO Executive
Natalie Silberlieb, Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship Recipient; Young Leadership Representative

Delegitimization: The Community Response
Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice President; Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
David Dabscheck, Deputy Managing Director, Israel Action Network

An Israeli Media Professional’s Perspective on Delegitimization
Nadav Perry, Channel 10 News- Israel

The Activist Response to Delegitimization
Talking to the Far Left and the Unions
Dan Fleshler, Strategy XXI Partners
Building Bridges to Other Communities
Michael Miller, Executive Vice President, JCRC-NY

How to Cope with Anti-Israel Sentiment on Campus
Zoe Jick, NY Area Director, Student Activities, WZO Dept, Diaspora Activities
Eric Schorr, President, LionPAC, Columbia University
David Dabscheck, Deputy Managing Director, Israel Action Network

Posted in What's New, WZO

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