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Taste of Memories

Taste of Memories 

8 Nights, 8 Days, 8 Heros: Honoring Israeli Heroes Through Chanukah Tradition

The Taste of Memories campaign is a collaborative initiative between the World Zionist Organization (WZO), American Zionist Movement (AZM), and Masa Israel Journey to bring together the global Jewish community during Chanukah 2024. This collaboration is an extension of the “Taste of Memories” initiative developed by the Zionist Activities in the Diaspora Department of the World Zionist Organization. The project commemorates the lives of fallen IDF soldiers and Israeli victims of terror by weaving their personal stories into a powerful culinary narrative.

When envisioning this campaign, we were inspired by the courage and spirit of the Maccabees—heroes who fought for the survival of our people and traditions. This year, as we celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, we are dedicating this initiative to the heroes who sacrificed their lives during the attacks on October 7th. Their bravery, selflessness, and love for their homeland are the stories we are committed to sharing with the world.

How to get involved ?

This Chanukah, we invite you to honor the legacy of Israeli heroes by recreating a recipe from the Taste of Memories cookbook. Select a dish and story that resonates with you, and bring their memory to life by preparing their favorite recipe.

Light a candle in their honor, share their story with your loved ones, and keep their legacy shining bright. We encourage you to share your culinary creations on social media and join the global community in commemorating these heroes. Tag @azm4Israel, @Matkonzikaron, @wzo_en, @wzo_diaspora, and @Masaisrael to be featured, and use the hashtag #TasteofMemories to spread the light of remembrance.

Together, through food and tradition, we can celebrate their lives and ensure their stories continue to inspire.

Click here to download the Taste of Memories Cookbook.

8 Nights of Chanukah

Click here to watch the nightly tribute videos, try out the recipes and get to know the honorees and their inspiring stories.

Night One 

Melinda Strauss @melindastrauss honoring Laurie Vardi

Night Two

Jake Wisotsky @foodydoses honoring Shay Termin

Night Three

Shai Davidai @shaidavidai honoring Hadar Rosenfeld Berdichesky 

Night Four

Amy Albertson @theamyalbertson honoring Raz Peretz

Night Five

Yuval David @Yuval_david_ honoring Yishai Fitusi

Night Six 

ChamaMechtaly @millenialmoor    honoring Eliraz Gabai

Night Seven 

Rachel Moon @rachmoon honoring Roey Weiser 

Night Eight 

Julia Haart @Juliahaart honoring     Liran Mones Almosnino

Your Donation Helps

Funds raised through this campaign will be directly donated to the families of the heroes whose lives and legacies are at the center of this initiative. Your support not only amplifies their stories but also provides tangible support to these families during this meaningful season of light and remembrance.

Taste of Memories
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Posted in Chanukah, Featured, What's New

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