On October 19, 2012, ViZionYLD, the young leadership division of the American Zionist Movement, sponsored a unique Shabbat dinner for 18 young professionals at a private home. The meal, hosted by the Associate Director of Young Leadership, was located on Long Island to provide new opportunities to local Jewish young professionals who live outside Manhattan. Attendees came from all over the Tri-State area, attracted by the intimate setting and the learning opportunities. Annie, a native Long Islander, was glad she could attend a Shabbat meal near her home and not worry about traveling to Manhattan.
The dinner featured Shabbat traditions as well as networking and a structured discussion about Zionism. Participants exchanged views on what Zionism means to a young generation as well as related recent events in the Israeli news to the perception of Zionism. “Zionism gives my generation the opportunity to be the future dreamers and achievers of Israel,” said Alli, a ViZionYLD board member.
We thank all our guests for joining us and look forward to seeing you soon!
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