Learn About Herzl, Learn About Yourself
Never content to focus only on the immediate exigencies of the Zionist movement, Herzl was always imagining as well what the Jewish State he dreamed of would one day
look like. “On Herzl’s Mind” is an interactive educational kit based on a color poster, which graphically illustrates the profusion of Herzl’s ideas and a set of cards with images capturing those ideas, a complementary set of excerpts from his writings, and background material intended for the workshop’s facilitator. In the activity itself, half the group is given a card with one of the images emanating from Herzl’s extraordinary imagination and the other half a card with a quotation from his utopian novel, Altneuland. Participants set off to match one with the other, learning about Herzl and his vision in the process.
On Herzl’s Mind | Price: $18.00
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