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Webinar on Climate Change, Israel and the Jewish Community

Picture of Samar Sand dunes
Photo of Samar Sand Dunes in Israel. These dunes were recently rescued from development thanks to the efforts of the Green Zionist Alliance, an AZM member

How Will the Climate Change Talks Impact Jews, Israel, and the World

The American Zionist Movement, The Green Zionist Alliance and COEJL are planning a webinar for 1 p.m. EST on Feb. 29 titled, “Examining Durban: How Will the Last Climate-Change Talks Impact Jews, Israel and the World?”

What happened at the climate negotiations in Durban? And how can we be involved as a Jewish community? Join a discussion about the recent U.N. Conference on Climate Change Conference in Durban. Environmentalists Dr.

Orr Karassin, Michael Schut and David Turnbull will present Jewish, Israeli and interfaith perspectives.

Posted in Green Israel

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