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Videos from Hard Realities: The Zionist and Community Response

Delegitimization: The Zionist Response

Chairman:  Professor Richard Stone, Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

Morton Klein, President, The Zionist Organization of America
Marcie Natan, President, Hadassah; Member, WZO Executive
Kenneth Bob, President, Ameinu; Member, WZO Executive
Natalie Silberlieb, Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship Recipient; Young Leadership Representative

Delegitimization: The Community Response

Chaired by: Prof. Leonard Cole, Co-Chair, Jewish Agency Task Force on Anti-Semitism

Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice President; Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
David Dabscheck, Deputy Managing Director, Israel Action Network

Delegitimization: The Media Response

Chaired by: David Krantz, President, Green Zionist Alliance

Nadav Perry, Channel 10 News- Israel
An Israeli Media Professional’s Perspective on Delegitimization