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Purim Connection 2025

Gift Baskets,
For IDF Spotters

This Purim, join us in continuing the 30+ year AZM legacy in raising funds to gift Mishloach Manot to our brothers and sisters in Israel. This year we will be supporting the brave Tatzpitaniyot (IDF Women Spotters)โ€” who stand watch to protect the people of Israel. In partnership with American Zionist Movement, ESEK, and Otef Aza for the Lookouts, we are raising funds to send Mishloach Manot to these incredible soldiers.

$ 0

Per Mischloach Manot Basket

Recommended donation of $118

0 +

Our basket Goal

Let's support all of our spotters and their families

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Purim 2025

Who are these
Brave Soldiers?

The Tatzpitaniyot are a specialized all-female IDF unit based on Israels southern border – protecting the nation from potential threats. They are the eyes of Israel, working around the clock to keep us safe.

October 7th, 2023ย 

16 brave lookouts were tragically murdered by Hamas, and 7 were taken hostage into Gaza, where they were held for over 450 days. Their courage and sacrifice continue to inspire us all.

Take a closer look,
what's in the basket

Each Mishloach Manot basketย is thoughtfully filled with products sourced by ESEK from artisans and small businesses in Israelโ€™s southern communities. Together, we can bring joy to our brave soldiers while supporting and strengthening these resilient communities.

  • Handmade soap crafted by Yonat Midbar from Arad
  • Boutique chocolate from Tin Zivan in Northern Israel- certified Kosher
  • Shabbat Candles from Tzfat
  • Hamentashens from a local bakery in Southern Israel – certified Kosher
  • Handmade Lavender Beeswax Candle Made in Kibbutz Karmia 
  • A5 notebook featuring a custom drawing of the Kibbutzim around Gaza, created by Beit Hamelacha, Kibbutz Karmi

Our Partners,
Strength in unity

ืขึตืกึถืง | eh-sek | business
ESEK curates Israel's finest handcrafted goods, showcasing its rich culture and innovation by featuring products from artisans and small businesses across the country.
Otef Aza
Otef Aza For the Lookouts is dedicated to supporting the Tatzpitaniyot throughout their service in the IDF by delivering monthly gifts, services, and taking care of their every need.

Suggested Donation $118

Purim Connection 2025
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