As we prepare to observe Shavuot we highlight the Zionist aspects of the holiday. Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai during our journey to the Land of Israel. It is also an agricultural and harvest Chag which remind us of our strong connection to Eretz Yisrael.
Shavuot begins Thursday evening, May 25 (6-7 Sivan 5783) and ends Saturday evening May 27, 2023.
Wishing you a Happy Shavuot!
WZO Education Department: Zionist sources, songs, ceremonies & more
WZO Department of Diaspora Activities: Beit Ha’am resource: Shavu’ot From ‘People of the Land’ to ‘People of the Book’ and back
ARZA -Reform Judaism: History
Hadassah: Cultivating Kindness on Shavuot; Our Favorite Cheesecake Recipe
Israel Forever Foundation: Chag Matan Torah
RZA – Mizrachi: Resources