Tuesday 15 June 2010 continued
Plenary #4
The Zionist Congress Salutes the Young Generation
Greetings: Gideon Saar, Minister of Education
Gala Program with the participation of youth movements, students and Dor Hemshech
Wednesday 16 June 2010
Meeting of World Unions and International Jewish Organizations
4 Mini-Plenaries on Themes:
- Zionism/Post Zionism: Professors Gil Troy & Dr. Micha Goodman
- Who is a Zionist?: Professor Ruth Gavison
- The Character of Israeli Society-Dream versus Reality: Professors Yossi Yonah & Ariel Feldstein
- Countering Ant-isemitism and anti-Israelism: Professor Rovert Wistrich & Professor Shmuel Trigano (Univ. of Sorbonne, Paris)
Workshops: Herzl at Your Fingertips
Interactive workshops language groups
Instruction to Committee Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Secretaries
Regional Meetings
8 Congress Committee Sessions (members only)
♦ Zionism in Israel Society
♦ Zionist Fulfillment
♦ Development of Young Zionist Leadership
♦ Zionist Heritage-Publications, Literature, Archival Preservation
♦ Zionist Education and its Social, Cultural and Spiritual Components
♦ The Settlement Enterprise in Israel
♦ The Zionist Organization in the Diaspora (Zionist Federations) and Israel
♦ Constitutional Issues
Resolutions’ Committee
19:15-19:45 Security for Gala Event
Plenary #5
Zionism, Herzl’s Dream – in Perpetual Renewal Gala Performance
Marking the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Binyamin Zeev (Theodor) Herzl
In the presence of: Mr. Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel & Mr. Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem