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Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship for Post-University Programs in Israel

The Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 in memory of Helyn B. Reich, wife of founding AZM President Seymour D. Reich. The initial gift in Helyn’s memory was given by Mrs. Sarah Fischer and her son Dr. Stuart Fischer.

Reich scholarships are awarded each fall and spring to a limited number of American students who choose to study at one of several designated Israeli universities or attend post-college long-term programs. The scholarship seeks to recognize candidates who have demonstrated academic excellence, pro-Israel activity in their personal lives and show a commitment to future involvement with the Jewish and Zionist community. Preference is given to candidates who decide to spend the full year in Israel. Financial need will also be considered, though more emphasis will be placed on merit. Scholarship amounts generally range from $750 to $3,000.

FEBRUARY 1 Spring Semester
JULY 15 Fall Semester And Year-Round Programs

ELIGIBILITY for post-university programs in israel

  • Applicants must be American.
  • Applicants must have been accepted to participate in a MASA Israel Journey program for a minimum of one session (Preference given to students attending for a full year).  Click HERE for a full list of MASA Israel programs.  Please note that not all programs can qualify and that participants in Graduate Programs and Summer Programs ARE NOT eligible for this scholarship.
  • Applicants must be actively engaged with pro-Israel activities in their Jewish community in the United States.
  • Recipients of the Helyn B. Reich Scholarship will be expected to remain involved with the American Zionist Movement following their return to the United States. Involvement may include promotion of the American Zionist Movement or one of its member organizations and attendance at AZM events and telephone and e-mail contact with future scholarship applicants.

apply for post-university programs in israel

HBR Post-Uni Scholarship Application

Personal Information

Preferred Gender *
Upload Your Headshot (Accepted file types: jpg or png) *

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

This item is required to be submitted in order to complete your application. If necessary it can be emailed separately to [email protected]
Permanent Address
Current Address (if different than above)

Enrollment Information

Israel Involvement: Past and Projected Future

Have you visited or studied in Israel before? If yes, please include the dates and purpose (i.e. study, family trip, organized trip, etc.) for up to your three most recent trips as well as the purpose. Below that you can enter the program description. *
Have you studied Hebrew before? If yes, please describe your level of both understanding and fluency below.

Financial Background

A - Are you receiving financial aid for this program? *
B – Please indicate how you plan to cover the costs of this program and any additional costs associated (i.e. living costs):

Letters of Recommendation

Upload a letter of recommendation from a leader in the Jewish community (i.e. rabbi, Hillel staff member) who can attest to your involvement in the Jewish community and pro-Israel activities. (Accepted file type: PDF)

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

This item is required to be submitted in order to complete your application. If necessary it can be emailed separately to [email protected]
Upload a letter of recommendation from your choice of a past employer, a past professor, or a second community leader. (Accepted file type: PDF)

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

This item is required to be submitted in order to complete your application. If necessary it can be emailed separately to [email protected]

Personal Statement

Submit a personal statement on the following topic. Statement should be two pages double-spaced, 600 words maximum.

Please note your statement may be posted to AZM website anonymously.

What is your personal connection to Zionism? How do you define Zionism, and what does it mean to you to be a Zionist today? (Accepted file type: PDF)

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

This item is required to be submitted in order to complete your application. If necessary it can be emailed separately to [email protected]