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Virtual Tour of Jewish Argentina Part 1: The Jews Who Came to Argentina Planted Seeds and Harvested Doctors

Join the BZD and tour guide, Claudia Hercman, for a two-session virtual event on the Jews of Argentina – Our first session on June 13th will discuss the Argentinean Jewish Community, which is the 6th largest in the world after Israel, the USA, France, Canada, and the UK. You may be wondering why.

The first Jewish communities in Latin America were Sephardic. What happened to those Jews during the Inquisition? Why was Latin America part of the Spanish Empire? Is the Jewish Community in Argentina 80% Ashkenazi and only 20% Sephardic today? We will answer all these questions and many more during the first session of our Virtual Tour of Jewish Argentina. We will show you images and short videos of the most important Jewish sites, and you will also be able to see parts of Buenos Aires, a wonderful, cosmopolitan, European-looking city.

We will also tell you about the first Jewish immigrants who settled in the rural areas and talk about the Jewish colonies and the Jewish Gauchos. Finally, our discussion will conclude with the first Jewish woman who stayed in the shadows for a long time. Mothers and wives. What was their role in the economic and social development of the Jews in Argentina? Unfortunately, we will also learn about antisemitism in Argentina and a pogrom in Buenos Aires in 1919.

The event is finished.


Jun 13 2023


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 13 2023
  • Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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BZD (Baltimore Zionist District)
BZD (Baltimore Zionist District)
[email protected]

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