Artifacts of Independence
Israel’s Independence illustrated by artifacts in the personal collection of David Matlow
David Matlow is a corporate and private equity partner at Goodmans LLP in Toronto and past Chair of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto. He was co-chair of Toronto’s 2015 Campaign for the United Jewish Appeal and is a member of the board of the Ontario Jewish Archives and the iCenter for Israel Education. He owns the world’s largest private collection of Theodor Herzl memorabilia (over 5,000 items) which he has exhibited across Canada and the United States. David speaks regularly to schools, synagogues and other groups about Herzl and his continued relevance hoping to inspire people to keep Herzl’s dream alive, and work towards its completion.
In furtherance of this mission, David has prepared a presentation of highlights of his collection that he shows on screen and describes, contextualizing the pieces as part of the effort of the Jewish people worldwide to create and now protect the State of Israel. The pieces include an invitation to the First Zionist Congress, a share certificate from the Jewish Colonial Trust, an early postcard of Tel Aviv, a “sacrifice bond” and Israel’s first postage stamps.