Annual ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies
ISGAP is now accepting applications for the 2022 Summer Institute to occur from Sunday, August 7, through Friday, August 19, 2022. All participants must make an application.
All scholars that are accepted to the program are expected to be present for the entire duration of the Summer Institute and attend all seminars and meetings. This is non-negotiable. $450 for virtual programme, and $850 for in-person tuition. Successful applicants are liable for tuition fees. Applicants may also apply for scholarships.
A limited number of openings exist for exceptional graduate and undergraduate students to participate in a special Elie Wiesel – Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars program that will run in part, concurrently with the Summer Institute.
Scroll down the page to view past highlights and watch participant testimonials.