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US Elections to the 36th World Zionist Congress


New Slates wishing to participate in Elections to the World Zionist Congress, scheduled to take place in June 2010, must adhere to a set of Rules established by the U.S. Area Election Committee.  While the entire set of election rules have not yet been finalized, below are the rules adopted regarding new lists:


Groups not represented at the 35th Zionist Congressÿ wishing to participate in elections to the 36th Zionist Congress shall:

a) Send a letter to be received by the Area Election Committee no later than October 31,stating the desire of the group to participate in the elections.

The letter shall:

  • describe the unique Zionist philosophy embodied by the slate
  • state how the slate’s participation will advance the Zionist Movement, and
  • express the group’s full acceptance of and compliance with the WZO Constitution and the AZM Constitution

b) The letter shall be accompanied by an $1,800, check payable to the American Zionist Movement, as a filing fee

c) By November 15, 2009 a new slate shall also submit a petition with the signatures of 300 potential voters (individuals qualified to vote), including each signatory’s:

  • Full Name
  • Full Mailing Address (If this is a US Post Office Box due to lack of home delivery in a rural area, the signatory must also submit a physical residence address)
  • Date of Birth
  • Preferred Telephone Number and
  • Email address
  • Signatories shall indicate that they accept the Jerusalem Program, which delineates the foundations of Zionism.

The petition shall be comprised of the platform of the new slate (as previously submitted to the Area Election Committee),  and the names of its candidates for election in the order they would be elected.

c) The petition shall be accompanied by a sortable digital file (spreadsheet) with the above-described data of the signatories.

d) If accepted, the slate shall be included on the ballot, but shall be required to poll sufficient votes to win one mandate without remainders in order to be seated at the Congress.

e) No person may sign a petition for more than one new slate, nor may they sign a petition if they appear as a candidate on a competing slate.

f) Organizations in arrears to the American Zionist Movement shall not reorganize to run as a New Slate.

Posted in World Zionist Congress, WZO

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