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AZM Launches “Herzl 125” to Mark Zionist Anniversaries

The American Zionist Movement (AZM) is launching a “Herzl 125” initiative this weekend to highlight important Zionist anniversaries in 2021-2022.

February 14th is the 125th anniversary of the 1896 publication by Theodor Herzl of Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State). In this important manifesto the Zionist leader outlined his vision for a modern Jewish state in the land of Israel. This book paved the way for a key year and a half of work by Herzl, leading to his convening of the first Zionist Congress in Basel in August 1897.

From now and continuing through summer 2022, under #Herzl125, AZM will celebrate landmark events of Herzl and Zionism, culminating with marking the 125th anniversary of the Zionist Congress.

“Herzl’s leadership and vision, combined with his perseverance, lead to the gathering of world Jewry to form the Zionist movement that resulted in the fulfillment of his dream in 1948 when the State of Israel was established. 125 years later, as Zionism continues to connect the global Jewish community to our ancestral and modern homeland, we reaffirm our commitment to its principles as we move Zionism Forward™”, said Richard D. Heideman, AZM President and Herbert Block, AZM Executive Director.

On Sunday, February 14, 2021, AZM, together with the World Zionist Organization’s Herzl Center in Jerusalem, will present a webinar: The Jewish State; 125 Years Later (at 1pm EST/ 8pm IST). Learn more and register at:

Posted in Press Releases, What's New

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